
Smartsite cover


Smartsite is a tech startup specializing in smart home automation solutions. They develop products that enhance the convenience and security of modern homes. For this project, you were tasked with product design for their flagship product, a smart home hub that integrates various IoT devices.


As a product designer, I conducted market research and user surveys to understand customer needs and preferences, and created detailed product specifications, including features, hardware, and user interface design. I also collaborated with the engineering team to refine the product's design and functionality, and produced 3D prototypes and product renderings for investor presentations.


Smartsite cover


Smartsite is a tech startup specializing in smart home automation solutions. They develop products that enhance the convenience and security of modern homes. For this project, you were tasked with product design for their flagship product, a smart home hub that integrates various IoT devices.


As a product designer, I conducted market research and user surveys to understand customer needs and preferences, and created detailed product specifications, including features, hardware, and user interface design. I also collaborated with the engineering team to refine the product's design and functionality, and produced 3D prototypes and product renderings for investor presentations.


Smartsite cover


Smartsite is a tech startup specializing in smart home automation solutions. They develop products that enhance the convenience and security of modern homes. For this project, you were tasked with product design for their flagship product, a smart home hub that integrates various IoT devices.


As a product designer, I conducted market research and user surveys to understand customer needs and preferences, and created detailed product specifications, including features, hardware, and user interface design. I also collaborated with the engineering team to refine the product's design and functionality, and produced 3D prototypes and product renderings for investor presentations.

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